OK, wana update u guys wat i've been up to..if ada yg wondering me bahapa...oklah..lately..me stay drumah je..or else..jalan2 sama my gf..buat perkara nada2..mcm lepak pantai, aerobic (percaya?), main badminton, lepak sama Mr Grumphy..and bnyk lagi. But last weekend, i went to Labuan wif Tina and Jasmine. My lil bro, c Khambeng pun join jua..yatah kami poppin brabis disana..hehehehehe...if org selalu ke labuan, paham lah maksud gue...OK lah..dsini, i wana say THANK YOU rah Mr Grumphy psl mau antar kami ke Muara Port and sudi ambil kami balik..walaupun kami semua berbau (cos kapal kami masa balik selahau nada aircond)...to our friends, Mamud, Kojack, Sai & Dd psl looking after us spanjang kami poppin and dgnkan kami dim sum kul 2am..apa g ah...Owh..Labuan nda sama mcm dulu..siuktia masane..konon nda kan membali tapi membali jua lehnya..and chocolate rah Duty Free nya nyaman2..nda payah jauh2...Reese's Nutrageous pun ada sana..Hanuta..Kinder Bueno Milk pun ada..bnyklah..hehehehe..Ok lah..so now, im looking forward to my 2nd trip plang g ne...if jadi..InsyaAllah..bukan Labuan ah..dah me jalan baru me gtau...Oh yeah! apa plan kamu utk New Year? Share please.. Happy Holiday and Have Fun! :)
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
wana add some..
heyllo pep! How r u guys doing? to d UBDian, hows yur holiday so far? Ok lah..before i add some of my story in my blog..firstly, i wana say sorry if i already offended my viewer..i have to admit most of my previous story sound so 'me' or perhaps telling the true me..obviously Yes..i am, as the writer, talking about myself..from the story 'lust?Love?' to 'House of Bunny'..almost all lah... only the writer know wat they write and of course, experience writer tells good story/fairytale/fiction/etc..but those stories is MY PERSONAL experiences..im not a good girl and of course i am not proud of it..im trying to change...i just wish that people can accept it..i know people call me 'b*t*h' or wateva...but its ok..i guess i deserve it...im not doing dis for sympathy..i just wish u guys know that i am truly trying to change...the worst part about my changing plan is that when i am trying so hard NOT to hurt anyone...i accidently did hurt them..sh*t..i even hurt Mr Grumphy..i will post something up by or before new year...i wana say sorry to some people..i will not mention names but i will mention their initial or perhaps the last 3 digits of their number...OK lah...enuf wif this..