Salam. Hey there! To my Ladies viewer, i seriously wana recommend you to watch 'House of Bunny' is hilarious..i just watch it on DVD just now after Mr Grumphy left..It is a story about a girl named Shelly (Anna Faris) who got a backstabbing friend and how she become the mother-house of Zeta Alpha not gona tell you the storyline here but i truly deeply fall in love with the moral of the story.."WE SHOULD STOP PRETENDING TO BE WHAT OTHERS WANT US TO BE AND START BEING OURSELVES!" matter how beautiful you are if you dont have 'brain'..u r just like any other people who got nothing..and no matter how brainiac you are, if you dont have a 'heart', you will always sit on the side bench and just be the watcher without no listener..I dont know what im trying to say here...i like one of Anna Faris line in this movie "TOGETHER, we can do anything"..i really hope that my bestfriends will always stay..and will not backstab me...i learn something from my past experience of friendship..Firstly, do not listen to one party especially when they are talking about something bad behind one of your friends back..Second, we should always give normal reaction to wateva yur frens said abt someone cos one day that person who talk about other person will said that its YOU who talk abt it even when you never said anything..Thirdly, ignore 'friend' who give u those 'face' behind your back (literally)..Forth, do not interfere wif a friend personal life unless they want you to..Fifth, know how to differentiate 'friend' and 'colleague'..Sixth, learned people's behaviour and background ( just for your acknowledgement atleast you will not say or do something that might offend them)...7th, avoid means and hurtful jokes..(sometimes its funny for you but that doesnt mean its funny for them)..8th, make friends unlimitedly but always be careful..9th, friends will respect you if you respect them ( i think i make a big mistake on this one) and 10th, keep close friends in limited number, so that you dont have to look after so many heart as in can be careless on this one sometimes..we cant please everybody..there are more that i have learn, but those are things that i can share wif my viewer for now..i dont mind if u thinks its crap..its just something i have in my mind..i just think that i need to let it out...i do not dedicate this to anyone,im just saying it in general..