It's MY LiFe!!!

This is a personal is mostly written from my daily life and based fully from experiences..i understand that everyone have their own perspective abt everything and this is totally mine....

~Me To You~

I made this widget at

Sunday, 11 January 2009

~It's Hard To Be Apart From You~

Each night when the world is quiet and still,
Your smile and the wonderful moments we have shared
crowd my mind.Then i find myself missing you even more...

Each day, as I go about my routine,
You slip gently into my thoughts and make me smile.
I wonder what you are doing and trust everything is going well.

Though we can't be together right now,
we are together in out thoughts and memories.
With all my heart, I am looking ahead to that time
when i can see you and be with you again..

~B.L. McDaniel~

Dedicated with love to you..