It's MY LiFe!!!

This is a personal is mostly written from my daily life and based fully from experiences..i understand that everyone have their own perspective abt everything and this is totally mine....

~Me To You~

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Sunday, 4 January 2009

Before the next semester begin...

ane gambar sebelum balik..ane 'hantu2' yg tingal..hehehe

Luaskan..apartment ada 3 bilik..ane living roomnya.

Khambeng jadi iklan mainan KFC..

Fun...saja..sebelum balik...

Hey Pepsi..ophs..peps..or shud i spell it as 'peeps' ajalah..mcm nama my fren c pep..hehehehe..Ok lah..before new semester begin, me pun berhabis-habisan mengenjoykan lah..baru jua tadi ard 6.30pm me sampai di pelabuhan Muara dari Labuan..i went to Labuan again..but this time bukan sorang..tapi beramai..WE are fully-sponsored (except shopping) oleh org yg menyambut advance bday, Mady yang sekaligus menyambut V-lated Bday, jelama yg bernama Athari. Pokoknya dorg ne buat sambutan besar-besaran..siuklah..from our entourage yg join ialah Tina, Khambeng, Jasmine, Achai and me.Dari entourage lain..ada yg me nda tau namanya..bukan lupa tapi ada yg inda properly introduce payah lah kan tau namanya..Bah, before me sambung ceta, me kan say Thank You berabisly for everything..for the ticket, for the apartment (siuk hantapz kamu apartmentnya- BETA),tasty food..complete breakfast, lunch, dinner,supper and obviously non-stop liquid during poppin'! ..just love mempoppin sama kamu...hehehe..and melayan kame mcm princess plus jaga kesejahteraan kame and yeah, thanx brabis..we really hope that you enjoy our company..and yeah, Qistina, Erwin, Emma and Noni and those girls yg kame inda tau nama tapi click brabis, Nice Meeting You All and Thank you jua sebab entertain us sepanjang berada di Labuan..hehehe..To my bro, Khambeng rockz!(wink!) hehehe...Oklah..sebelum me lupa ceta, masa di Labuan, me terjumpa ramai my fren and my fren's fren..antara yg me ingat nama yg me terjumpa atu ialah Saipol, Amar, Iskandar and Halim (Wardrobe)..hehehe..buleh?? ramai ah me terjumpa..ada g yg me nda ingat nama dorg..i guess sanang kan jangka psl masa mempoppin pun ada wah yg menyabut "Welcome to the Bruneian"..buleh kali ah?? hehehe..Klah..Overall verdict for trip to Labuan kali ane is B+...Again, THANK YOU MADY and ATHARI! THANK YOU TO ALL..and tidak dilupakan THANK YOU arah Mr Grumphy psl mau antar and ambil kame balik di Pelabuhan Muara..i wish u can join us.. :(