Salam peeps! Hehehe..i just got back from the events dat i've been looking forward since last year..Cosmopolitan College Gala was a nite to remember..berbaloi jua lah penantian..except psl theme nya yg nda menantu..I met my friends dsana..ramai lah..and for a record this is my first gala nyte with Mr Grumphy...barutah pernah me jalan sama ia pakai dress kali ah..buleh..and Mr Grumphy look great (as usual of course) hehehe..dsana me semeja sama Mady punya alwes, Tary, Saie, Ben, Roy, Pol,..ada di meja tu..siuk hantap sama dorg...sporting giler! yg penting Mr Grumphy pun ok sama dorg..selain atu me ada jumpa Waida sana..Waida ne bstfren's Wawa..u look great girl..sayang me nda sampat amik gambar sama Waida..Ok lah..tanpa bnyk ceta..kamu liat saja lah gambar2 yg mampu me upload ane..
Saturday, 31 January 2009
~A nite 2 remember~
Salam peeps! Hehehe..i just got back from the events dat i've been looking forward since last year..Cosmopolitan College Gala was a nite to remember..berbaloi jua lah penantian..except psl theme nya yg nda menantu..I met my friends dsana..ramai lah..and for a record this is my first gala nyte with Mr Grumphy...barutah pernah me jalan sama ia pakai dress kali ah..buleh..and Mr Grumphy look great (as usual of course) hehehe..dsana me semeja sama Mady punya alwes, Tary, Saie, Ben, Roy, Pol,..ada di meja tu..siuk hantap sama dorg...sporting giler! yg penting Mr Grumphy pun ok sama dorg..selain atu me ada jumpa Waida sana..Waida ne bstfren's Wawa..u look great girl..sayang me nda sampat amik gambar sama Waida..Ok lah..tanpa bnyk ceta..kamu liat saja lah gambar2 yg mampu me upload ane..
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Salam. Hey u! Lama dah gue ngak update blog ne. Maaf deh..Gue sekarang sibuk. sibuk bangat! Banyak sangat kerja gue yang dikasi oleh pendidik gue. Penat deh..barusan aja gue cuba siapin kerja yang gue sendiri ngak ngerti..gue buat aja dulu..esok mahu minta penjelasan lagi sama bapak guru. Waduh! Penatnya..ya ampun! hehehe..apakan..indon tia me ah..hahaha..nadalah..saja~ saya bosan. Well..Alhamdulillah..saya semakin sihat sedikit masane..kadang2 ada jua sakit atu balik lagi tapi sekurang-kurangnya masane me buleh bertahan sikit..Terima Kasih Mama psl carikan ubat and Terima Kasih Bev for the air zam2..adalah membantu sikit..nyaman jua rasanya..Btw, esuk me kan attend Gala Nyte yang sudah me and Jasmine nanti2 kan since last year..but me nda jua buleh iski sangat..nda dpt nari :S ada me quiet sana cuma kan ilangkan stress and saja2 dress up..InsyaAllah, Mr Grumphy pun join kami..Well, selain akan melakukan my English Individual Presentation monday ne..Mudahan saja me dapat buat dengan baik..lapasatu me ada POT group presentation sama my Via and Fifah..kami kana bagi topic "Adding Fractions with same denominators" .. sekali lagi mudahan saja kami buleh buat dengan baik..hehehe..well, selain busy wif presentation..we all busy wif assignments yang inda beranti kana bagi..mengikut perkiraan..i still got 12 presentation and assignment to do..Banyak hantap..mostly due before semester break..nda apalah kawan2 UBD ah..payah2 tane dulu..InsyaAllah sanang kemudian.. Amin..
Monday, 19 January 2009
Errrmmm..i duno y
Salam and hi! How r u people? Im so tired..and exhausted bangat2 meliat my assignment list..tapi thats not the reason y im writing here..lamah me..i duno napa lately sakit parut me menjadi2..lamah rasa me..firstly, 2-3 hari ane payah me kan buang air besar..sakit ah...nda tau napa..maybe constipation..well..atu plang dlm fikiran me so dat i will stay positive..tapi me ne kan tanya rah siapa2 yg tau psl sakit selalu sakit parut and ryte now me punya celah in between ibu jari and jari telunjuk me sebelah kiri tiba2 sakit..i duno if its related psl if me gusuk tamapt atu..terasa jua me ke parut...cos tampat atu sakit, kemarin my urat terkuar rasanya..padas ah..mcm kan inject..then kemarin pagi ijau berabis then mlmnya berubah jadi warna 100% sure yg me inda terhantuk atau terhempas barang rah kawasan atu..lamah rasa me..masane me terpaksa pakai minyak kapak pagi2 supaya parut me rasa nyaman so to my classmate..sorry ah if kamu tercium bau atu..cos me terpaksa pakai..lamah dah me..i hope its nothing serious lah..masane me menahan rasa saja..mamacar kan suruh bawa ke spital tapi me ckp me nda mau psl bnyk assignment yg perlu me me nda mau ketinggalan me hanya mampu berurut secara traditional saja to ease the pain..i really hope ada yg respond rah me if anyone daripada kamu tau apa sakit me ne..yg jelas me makin kurus dah ne..Btw, if kamu kan respond pls email me saja rah rah my cbox..Thanx..
Saturday, 17 January 2009
1st week of the 4th semester..
Salam. Hey peeps..hello semua..Alhamdulillah..minggu pertama semester ke-empat hari ane berakhir dan monday ane barutah hidup kami sebagai mahasiswi/mahasiswa dengan jadual yang padat bermula. From Monday til tadi, i've been busy ngan timetable..sadly, jadual tahun ane padat abis..last semester ada break sehari tapi this semester langsung nada break unlike my other frens dorg kay and lady B.A.T.T. Dorg Kay and Lady B.A.T.T ada break every Tuesday..siuk every Tuesday tah yang paling padat...well, rasa-rasanya semua pun padat except Saturday yang rileks sikit..hope nada perubahan lagi lah..Buat masane me busy set timetable untuk meeting project. Since project kami berlambak, kami terpaksa pandai bahagi masa masing-masing..individual project or essay terpaksa dibuat pada hari Jumaat and Ahad..or else bekerja keras on Saturday..kepisan lah..yang jelas buat masane ada 8 sudah project and assignment kan disiapkan. Mostly me blum start cos masih ada yang balum me pasti apakan ne terpksa explain balik2 supaya my topik nda lari..presentation pun ada ne bnyk tahun ane usulnya..wish me luck if sekiranya me jarang kan post ceta2 me, jgn hairan lah psl me pun busy kan kaja d sekulah me...well, buat masane, me nda sabar kan public holiday chinese new year so dpt relax sikit..p of course ada g replacement class yg mesti dibuat sedangkan my timetable panuh hantapz..nda apa lah..yatah namanya belajar kan kongsi perkara yang me bru tahu n ada yg baru tau..
first abt NoS, NoS stand for the Nature of Science. Lecturer kami, Dr Romaizah and masa Tutorial kami buat sama Ms Lynn..
NoS terbahagi kepada tiga : Knowledge/Concepts, Process Skill and Attitude.
Interestingkan? Well, NoS Knowledge is tentatives and changeable..Process Skill is like Observing and experimental while attitudes is like curiostity, skeptical and perservance. (sorry if ada salah ejaan)..hehehe...BTW,ane menurut pemahaman me so if ada yg salah tulung gtau kan saja kamu dari Cbox..owh lecturer ada ckp psl not sure siapa ia p me rasa me kan kaji jua apa ia punya learning theories since Ms Lyn ckp NBB and Dr Romaizah and herself sokong his theory..could be interesting..ane blum ada masa plang kan buat..hehehe..Other than busy timetable, me busy dgnkan Mr grumphy usai biliknya jua masane..Brand new flat screen Tv and complete home theatre gona change yur room alot, baby..hahah..jeles i..Nevamind..hehehe..Well, apa g not sure apa g kan me share..owh baru tadi me masuk kelas Jawi..rupanya Jawi ane ada konsonan/vokal jua..Subahanallah...baik jua kami belajar ah..confirm me nda tau apa2 wah...yg jelas our pelajaran semester ne bnyk not expecting high grades at the end of the day..i just wana finish what we all hav started..sekurang-kurangnya me mau pass..and yg pasti by end of this semester i will learn alot of things which clearly i do not know before..
Oh yeah, tahuna ne me segroup sama org yang berbeza for group project and pairings..mostly wajah2 baru.. Antara my group partner r, Gwan, Fifah, Fidz, Zie, Wani and Atul...Good Luck semua ah...and firstly i wana say sorry if kamu nda suka kah cara me kaja akan trying my best utk bagi kerjasama rah kamu...mudahan saja tane buleh buat project tane tanpa halangan yang membari watir..Yang pasti, me harap tane semua buat apa yang kita mampu and berusaha utk buat yang terbaik..Good Luck semua...
first abt NoS, NoS stand for the Nature of Science. Lecturer kami, Dr Romaizah and masa Tutorial kami buat sama Ms Lynn..
NoS terbahagi kepada tiga : Knowledge/Concepts, Process Skill and Attitude.
Interestingkan? Well, NoS Knowledge is tentatives and changeable..Process Skill is like Observing and experimental while attitudes is like curiostity, skeptical and perservance. (sorry if ada salah ejaan)..hehehe...BTW,ane menurut pemahaman me so if ada yg salah tulung gtau kan saja kamu dari Cbox..owh lecturer ada ckp psl not sure siapa ia p me rasa me kan kaji jua apa ia punya learning theories since Ms Lyn ckp NBB and Dr Romaizah and herself sokong his theory..could be interesting..ane blum ada masa plang kan buat..hehehe..Other than busy timetable, me busy dgnkan Mr grumphy usai biliknya jua masane..Brand new flat screen Tv and complete home theatre gona change yur room alot, baby..hahah..jeles i..Nevamind..hehehe..Well, apa g not sure apa g kan me share..owh baru tadi me masuk kelas Jawi..rupanya Jawi ane ada konsonan/vokal jua..Subahanallah...baik jua kami belajar ah..confirm me nda tau apa2 wah...yg jelas our pelajaran semester ne bnyk not expecting high grades at the end of the day..i just wana finish what we all hav started..sekurang-kurangnya me mau pass..and yg pasti by end of this semester i will learn alot of things which clearly i do not know before..
Oh yeah, tahuna ne me segroup sama org yang berbeza for group project and pairings..mostly wajah2 baru.. Antara my group partner r, Gwan, Fifah, Fidz, Zie, Wani and Atul...Good Luck semua ah...and firstly i wana say sorry if kamu nda suka kah cara me kaja akan trying my best utk bagi kerjasama rah kamu...mudahan saja tane buleh buat project tane tanpa halangan yang membari watir..Yang pasti, me harap tane semua buat apa yang kita mampu and berusaha utk buat yang terbaik..Good Luck semua...
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
The Quiz..
This is the first five questions for you guys to answer. Just answer it in the cbox. For example: I want to win/I know/I care/cute/5. The first answer will be 'I want to win' 2nd answer will be I'I know' and so on and so on..hehehehe.. Like i said earlier, whoever answer atleast 9/10 questions correctly will be the winners however i will only give 3 prizes and there will not be any consolation prizes.If there are more than 3 winners, i will draw and announce the winner by 1st February. So u guys still have time to find the answers while im still thinking for the last five questions that i will also be post soon. So, Good Luck!
p/s : please leave yur email/URL on the cbox so i can contact u in case u r da winner!
1> How many time do I went to a day return trip to Labuan this year?
2> Who went to Kuching with me?
3> Who are my two best girlfriends?
4> Why do I apologize to 189 on my apology list?
5> Warning Sign is a song from which band/group?
Wait for my next five questions.
p/s : please leave yur email/URL on the cbox so i can contact u in case u r da winner!
1> How many time do I went to a day return trip to Labuan this year?
2> Who went to Kuching with me?
3> Who are my two best girlfriends?
4> Why do I apologize to 189 on my apology list?
5> Warning Sign is a song from which band/group?
Wait for my next five questions.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Just for fun
Hey just abt 2 go 2 sleep wen i got this idea. Im gona play games wif u guys and hope dat i will have some gona ask a series of questions and whoever get 9 out if 10 answers right will receives 'so-not-special' present from me..well of course i need u to leave yur email add or yur url when u answer my questions. I will tink of the questions and post it up soon. Thanx and Good Luck..hehehehe..
Sunday, 11 January 2009
~It's Hard To Be Apart From You~
Each night when the world is quiet and still,
Your smile and the wonderful moments we have shared
crowd my mind.Then i find myself missing you even more...
Each day, as I go about my routine,
You slip gently into my thoughts and make me smile.
I wonder what you are doing and trust everything is going well.
Though we can't be together right now,
we are together in out thoughts and memories.
With all my heart, I am looking ahead to that time
when i can see you and be with you again..
~B.L. McDaniel~
Dedicated with love to you..
Your smile and the wonderful moments we have shared
crowd my mind.Then i find myself missing you even more...
Each day, as I go about my routine,
You slip gently into my thoughts and make me smile.
I wonder what you are doing and trust everything is going well.
Though we can't be together right now,
we are together in out thoughts and memories.
With all my heart, I am looking ahead to that time
when i can see you and be with you again..
~B.L. McDaniel~
Dedicated with love to you..
Saturday, 10 January 2009
I miss you so much..

I love just being in the same room as you..
I enjoy hearing your voice and the sound of
your laughter..
Your happiness means a lot to me,
and I am always hoping that love,kindness,
health and joy will come your way...
Nothing can ever change the way I feel about you-
not time or distance, not anything you do or don't do,
not anything I hear or see..
So if you're ever lonely,
always know that there's someone who always
cares about
-Barbara Cage-
Dedicated to you~
I enjoy hearing your voice and the sound of
your laughter..
Your happiness means a lot to me,
and I am always hoping that love,kindness,
health and joy will come your way...
Nothing can ever change the way I feel about you-
not time or distance, not anything you do or don't do,
not anything I hear or see..
So if you're ever lonely,
always know that there's someone who always
cares about
-Barbara Cage-
Dedicated to you~
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Result s finally out~
Hellew..hehehe..gerenti semua sudah nyaman ati ne kan..i mean ubdian lah..semua dah tau apa dorg dapat setelah berusaha dengan gigih mengharungi semester too..i got my result pass! So i wana say Thanx to semua yg terlibat membuatkan me my mamacar n my parents psl bagi sokongan padu bukan saja kewangan bahkan semangat, Mr Grumphy psl sangup dgr keluhan, rintihan and tangisan me sepanjang semester lapas, to my friends A.K.A project groups(wawa, didi,ezah,nady,kay,hafie,umar,arief) TQ brabis..i cant do it without kamu jua...obviously, u guys help me to get my grades jua...To Jeremy, psl pinjamkan science lab work utk di photocopy walaupun last minit..To ALL my lecturer yg bertungkus lumus memberi tunjuk ajar arah kami...Alhamdulillah..Oh yeah, kepada semua yg dgnkan gue revise mcm c mimay, yati, daniel, zach, sapa g ah..sorry if ada yg me nda sabut..luan happy dah me pass ah, TQ jua! Alhamdulillah!!
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Before the next semester begin...
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Hey Pepsi..ophs..peps..or shud i spell it as 'peeps' ajalah..mcm nama my fren c pep..hehehehe..Ok lah..before new semester begin, me pun berhabis-habisan mengenjoykan lah..baru jua tadi ard 6.30pm me sampai di pelabuhan Muara dari Labuan..i went to Labuan again..but this time bukan sorang..tapi beramai..WE are fully-sponsored (except shopping) oleh org yg menyambut advance bday, Mady yang sekaligus menyambut V-lated Bday, jelama yg bernama Athari. Pokoknya dorg ne buat sambutan besar-besaran..siuklah..from our entourage yg join ialah Tina, Khambeng, Jasmine, Achai and me.Dari entourage lain..ada yg me nda tau namanya..bukan lupa tapi ada yg inda properly introduce payah lah kan tau namanya..Bah, before me sambung ceta, me kan say Thank You berabisly for everything..for the ticket, for the apartment (siuk hantapz kamu apartmentnya- BETA),tasty food..complete breakfast, lunch, dinner,supper and obviously non-stop liquid during poppin'! ..just love mempoppin sama kamu...hehehe..and melayan kame mcm princess plus jaga kesejahteraan kame and yeah, thanx brabis..we really hope that you enjoy our company..and yeah, Qistina, Erwin, Emma and Noni and those girls yg kame inda tau nama tapi click brabis, Nice Meeting You All and Thank you jua sebab entertain us sepanjang berada di Labuan..hehehe..To my bro, Khambeng rockz!(wink!) hehehe...Oklah..sebelum me lupa ceta, masa di Labuan, me terjumpa ramai my fren and my fren's fren..antara yg me ingat nama yg me terjumpa atu ialah Saipol, Amar, Iskandar and Halim (Wardrobe)..hehehe..buleh?? ramai ah me terjumpa..ada g yg me nda ingat nama dorg..i guess sanang kan jangka psl masa mempoppin pun ada wah yg menyabut "Welcome to the Bruneian"..buleh kali ah?? hehehe..Klah..Overall verdict for trip to Labuan kali ane is B+...Again, THANK YOU MADY and ATHARI! THANK YOU TO ALL..and tidak dilupakan THANK YOU arah Mr Grumphy psl mau antar and ambil kame balik di Pelabuhan Muara..i wish u can join us.. :(
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Welcome 2009!
Salam. Hey peps! Happy New Year Ya All! ..hehehe..How's yur new years eve? Me?..mmm..let see..last day of 2008 me bahapa ah..well..pagi me jalan sama mama then jumpa Adek d Hua Ho..Ia balikan me chocolate and...! Thanx Dek..Thanx brabisly..hehehehe..Oklah..afta jalan, me balik rumah..Tidur..lalah makan ubat selesma jua bah..afta that ard kul 5pm, i went to Jeruton Hotel, Jerudong. Kami check in sana.Hotel baru...not bad jua bah da murah..murah only cost me BND$38 per room..kami book 2 bilik since ia murah ah..bukan g book p kami rent tarus...ard 8pm, kami semua jalan ke rumah nini d Tg Bunut..kami celebrate bday nini boy and nini girl and my lil sis, Zafirah..hehehe..siuk jua bah..kami mamam satay, ada soto..mcm2 ada..abis semua acara kemuncak, kami pun jalan..ard 10.30pm kami jalan balik ke hotel..kami transform lu barutah kami jalan cari spot happening utk countdown..sygnya nada spot yg siuk..kami end up d Pantai Jerudong..siuk jua sana..happening..ramai orang..p mcm2 berlaku disana..first, kami payah cari parking then kame trjumpa my gud fren Ms Wawa sama tunang kesayangannya..then liat fireworks..siuk ah..romantic deh if berdua saja sama c dia..then siuk2 liat bunga api, handphone my lil bro, khambeng terdasur di arah batu2 ah..nada membari chance! confirm tpun atu kana pakai dah oleh ikan dilaut ataupun bertukar warna menyerupai batu..sajuk bumbunan kepalaku..beng, tahun baru ..mun cukup usin,handphone baru jua..udah atu..time kami sibuk2 cari handphone ada org antah bangsa mana membari watir bisingnya..kami minta tolong utk diam for 1 minute..mcm kana puji wah..kami basar suaranya..attention seeker! eish...yg penting aku banggang sebab ia tiba2 ampas2 guitarnya mcm org gila..ingauku kan my entourage..tarus kami jln saja tinggalkan tampat atu..pokoknya malas kan melayan dorg..maybe mabuk kali..antah ah..then just before we jln, barutah me jumpa Ms Didi sama tunang kesayangannya..sorry d..nda dpt me menyabarkan adi me jua..ia stress ah..p ok plang ia ahirnya..dpt ia terima hakikat tpunnya menyalam..after that, kami pun beredar minum and mamam d Kuliq JP..membina badan banar makan tgh2 malam..d JP, kami terjumpa my bestfren lelaki yg lama dah ku rindu, Asrul! hehehe..iski me kenalkan ia sama Mr Grumphy..Mr Grumphy said he's cool..memang pun sebab atu tah me, jasmine n tina rapat sama ia..heheheh..OKlah..dah pukul 2+am barutah me n my entourage beredar balik ke hotel..atu palau lah psl me makan ubat selesma..yg penting malam new year me tahun ane bersih semua..Btw, happy jua kan gtau yg tadi pagi me terjumpa Ms Lilin, my good fren masa damit d Jeruton..ia baru start kaja today..Good Luck daleng...i really miss her..anyway, mer batah dah nda jumpa ia..nak komen sikit..Lin, u gain weight tapi maintain sexy..and What!?! dah ada 2 baby..ish..jealous ku eh! hehehe..btw, u look great and happy! Oh happy oo walaupun kurang sihat..happy dapat sambut new year eve sama org2 yg me syg and mostly dpt jumpa Ms Wawa n Ms Didi walaupun kami sunyi hantap masa sunyi ne..oh terjumpa Ms Mimay jua d JP..Happy New Year Girl! Iski wah kami overall, my new year verdict is B+ ..and way better than last year walaupun sesetengah org beranggapan new year kali ane boring...Alhamdulillah..its not bad and yeah hope i will hav a pleasant, memorable journey for this year..Amin.. Oh yeah, before i frogot, Ms Wawa gtau yg Cikgu Haji Asmadi baru meninggal dunia..Al-Fatihah..Ya banar2 terkajut mendgr berita ah..i used 2 dislike him tapi try to tink back he is one of my best lecturer in UBD..semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat..Amin! Kepada yang membaca blog ane, tolong sedekahkan al-Fatihah..
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