What is the difference between the two motivation? and which am i? Firstly let me introduce those two. Achievement Motivation is the desire to excel, striving for excellence and success rather than reward. Whereas, Resultant Motivation is the need to achieve is greater than the need to avoid failure, the person will take the risk and try to achieve and need to AVOID FAILURE is GREATER, the risk is more threatening than challenging and the person will be motivated to avoid the situation. Honestly, if the meaning is right..I AM under Resultant Motivation..im scared dat i will flunk my examination this semester..the last four question papers is Alhamdulillah OK..but i dont want to be overconfident. Honestly im scared. i cant wait for the result. I really hope that i will pass my exam. Im not expecting to get any credit or anything. i just want to pass.Tommorrow will be my last paper. i do need luck on this one. will update my blog again after the exam. Wish me luck and i really hope for the best.